Everyday Leadership | Marcel Daane | Executive Coach
Marcel Daane is the author of Headstrong Performance and an executive coach with a Master’s Degree in Neuroscience of Leadership, and an Undergraduate Degree in Complementary Medicine.
Today’s episode is from a conversation I had with Marcel Daane on his LinkedIn Live series called “Everyday Leadership”
There were some questions from viewers where Marcel and I both shared our thoughts, centered around resilience. Since it’s so relevant to what I do here on Tackling Minds, Marcel had agreed to let me re-post our chat on this podcast.
Heads up, You’ll be hearing more from Marcel on Tackling Minds at some point. He has a Master's Degree in Neuroscience of Leadership and an Undergraduate Degree in Complementary Medicine, combined with numerous Executive, Business, and Team Coaching certifications. Marcel was also the recipient of the 2012 Global HR Excellence Award in Leadership as well as the 2016 Global Coaching Leadership Award.
Next to being a coach and author (his book is called Headstrong Performance ) , Marcel is deeply passionate about Mindfulness, Martial-Arts, and Wellness and he volunteers his free time educating the public on the powerful link between Wellness, Mindfulness, and Performance in any arena of life, as well as, working out himself.
Marcel’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marceldaane/
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