“Male Experience, Mental Fitness, Growing Up Asian In The West” |Anthony Ko | Sup, Man?
Tony is someone who believes that compassion and empathy are values that we all should have. Born and raised in Australia, he is a management consultant and a life coach by trade based out of Hong Kong. Tony’s a busy man! He loves nature, he loves boxing, he pursues self-development and spiritual practice, he loves being a father, a boxing coach, a mentor at The Shed (a hands-on, inquiry-based learning community for kids) and he’s a facilitator for the Hong Kong arm of EVRYMAN (An online men's community that empowers you to become self-led.)
In this episode, Tony and I talk about the male experience and mental health, varied experiences growing up in western cultures within an Asian upbringing, being human and more.
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Anthony’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-ko-4a801219/
EVRYMAN website: https://evryman.com/
About Emily: www.emilylolatan.com
Emily's Instagram: www.instagram.com/theemilytan
Tackling Minds Instagram: www.instagram.com/tacklingminds
Mental Muscle Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentalmuscle.co
Mental Muscle Website: www.mentalmuscle.co